torsdag 9 januari 2014

I bet you've been there?!

When are you going to do anything real? When are you going to take something serious? are you ever going to finish anything? What will you be when you grow up?

These questions seems to be top subjects for any relative adult, for any grown up who consider them selfs "settled down", who thinks they have succeeded enough according to the society's norm, for them who doesn't think dreaming, trying, exploring or learning is real enough or a way to meet the future. 

What about your future? You can't push it away forever. Time is ticking. You're not getting any younger. When i was your age... 

It's funny how grown ups can now so much, how they can seem so sure of their choise of their profession, their way to live, their opinions and their "satisfied-ness".

Me on the other hand do not now anything. My dreams and goals changes each and every day, my vision of living along with that and after every discussion I have I'm surprised of how many sides their can be on the same topic. 

There might be a lot of things that I don't know, lots of things I stil have to figure out but there is one thing I hope I'll never be sure about and that is my satisfaction. Because Where ever I end up In life, which ever job I will perform, where ever I will live, what ever my dreams are going to be I hope for my self that "satisfied-ness" never ever will be enough for me. I hope that I'll never settle for any less than great, perfection, joy, amusement, love, happiness in any part of my life. 

- that is my biggest dream! And I won't compromise it, I won't forget it, I am and I will go for it! 

So let me ask you, every grown up that seems to be so interested in my choises and that are so pleased with your own situation, are you that happy? Are you that head over heals in love? Are you in the right office? Are you really always right? Are you happy with all those choises you made, and stuck with, when you where my age?

If you can admit to your self that even one of these questions have the answer no, why would you ask me to push these questions, in my age, now? Why don't you incurrage me to take my time? 

Now matter what you belive in, for now this is the only life we now we have and my plan is to live it while I can! I wish nothing less for you. Don't waste your time. Don't agree to satisfaction. Don't be scared of admiting your mistakes, don't doubt to change them for your better. Don't forget to sometimes rethink your opinions and don't hesitate to change them. 

Time goes by, the world changes - it would be crazy to think that we won't. 

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